Order Inventory

How do I get here? Orders ► Inventory
Purpose All orders in the system are available from this inventory screen. By default, orders are sorted by Goal Due Date (labeled 'Goal Due') and then by Order ID.
Security/Permissions Access to the Orders Module is required
Taxing Impact N/A
Commission Impact N/A
Data Field Definitions N/A


The grid's filter defaults to:

  • Open orders
  • Orders assigned to the user (if the user is flagged as one that can be assigned to orders)


The Inventory grid will show all Special Case orders by color code as well as indicate Order SLAs. The Goal Due column will be color coded based on the following color scheme:

  • Not Due Yet = Green
  • Due in the next 24 hours = Yellow
  • Past Due = Red
  • Not Set = No color

Note: This column is visible on the customer portal.

To view an order, click the details icon in the row. This will open the Order in the Order Processing module.

Use the "Middle click" button on your PC Mouse (or right-click the icon and select "Open link in new tab") to open this link in another browser tab. This will enable you to work multiple Orders using multiple tabs vs. navigating back and forth from Inventory. Just close the new tab when finished.

Clicking an account number in the Inventory grid will take the user to the Customer's account, landing on the Orders tab. The Orders tab on the Customer has been updated to also use the new grid (along with Special Case and Goal Due Date color coding as well as the new grid filtering options).

Within the Inventory screen, changes to the filter will persist while the user's session is active.

Please review additional help on Grid Filtering if needed.

The Completed Date of an Order can be determined by viewing orders that are in a "Closed" status and reviewing the Last Updated or Last Status Change date. Please see Status / Workflow Action documentation for more information on "Closed" statuses.